Ajax  (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML)

With the tremendous growth in Web usage comes a chal-
lenge to deliver Web-page content more efficiently and with 
greater flexibility. This is desirable to serve adequately the 
many users who still rely on relatively low-speed dial-up 
Internet connections and to reduce the demand on Web 
servers. Ajax (asynchronous JavaScript and XML) takes 
advantage of several emerging Web-development technolo-
gies to allow Web pages to interact with users while keep-
ing the amount of data to be transmitted to a minimum.
In keeping with modern Web-design principles, the 
organization of the Web page is managed by coding in 
XHTML, a dialect of HTML that uses the stricter rules and grammar of the data-description markup language XML .Alternatively, 
data can be stored directly in XML. A structure called 

the DOM (Document Object Model; see dom) is used to 
request data from the server, which is accessed through an 
object called httpRequest. The “presentational” information 
(regarding such matters as fonts, font sizes and styles, justi-
fication of paragraphs, and so on) is generally incorporated 
in an associated cascading style sheet Behavior such as the presentation and processing 
of forms or user controls is usually handled by a scripting 
language. Ajax techniques tie 
these forms of processing together so that only the part of 
the Web page affected by current user activity needs to be 
updated. Only a small amount of data needs to be received 
from the server, while most of the HTML code needed to 
update the page is generated on the client side—that is, in 
the Web browser. Besides making Web pages more flexible 
and interactive, Ajax also makes it much easier to develop 
more elaborate applications, even delivering fully functional 
applications such as word processing and spreadsheets over 
the Web.
Some critics of Ajax have decried its reliance on Java-
Script, arguing that the language has a hard-to-use syntax 
similar to the C language and poorly implements objects 
. There is also a need 
to standardize behavior across the popular Web browsers. 
Nevertheless, Ajax has rapidly caught on in the Web devel-
opment community, filling bookstore shelves with books 
on applying Ajax techniques to a variety of other languages.
Ajax can be simplified by providing a framework of 
objects and methods that the programmer can use to set up 
and manage the connections between server and browser. 
Some frameworks simply provide a set of data structures 
and function while 
others include Ajax-enabled user interface components such 
as buttons or window tabs. Ajax frameworks also vary in 
how much of the processing is done on the server and how 
much is done on the client (browser) side. Ajax frameworks 
are most commonly used with JavaScript, but also exist for 
Java (Google Web Toolkit), PHP, C++, and Python as well as 
other scripting languages. An interesting example is Flap-
jax, a project developed by researchers at Brown University. 
Flapjax is a complete high-level programming language that 
uses the same syntax as the popular JavaScript but hides 
the messy details of sharing and updating data between cli-
ent and server.
Drawbacks and Challenges
By their very nature, Ajax-delivered pages behave differ-
ently from conventional Web pages. Because the updated 
page is not downloaded as such from the server, the 
browser cannot record it in its “history” and allow the 
user to click the “back” button to return to a previous 
page. Mechanisms for counting the number of page views 
can also fail. As a workaround, programmers have some-
times created “invisible” pages that are used to make the 
desired history entries. Another problem is that since con-
tent manipulated using Ajax is not stored in discrete pages 
with identifiable URLs, conventional search engines can-
not read and index it, so a copy of the data must be pro-
vided on a conventional page for indexing. The extent 
to which XML should be used in place of more compact 
data representations is also a concern for many devel-
opers. Finally, accessibility tools often do not work with Ajax-delivered 
content, so an alternative form must often be provided to 
comply with accessibility guidelines or regulations.
Despite these concerns, Ajax is in widespread use and 
can be seen in action in many popular Web sites, including 
Google Maps and the photo-sharing site Flickr.com.

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