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artificial intelligence:

The development of the modern digital computer follow-
ing World War II led naturally to the consideration of the 
ultimate capabilities of what were soon dubbed “thinking 
machines” or “giant brains.” The ability to perform cal-
culations flawlessly and at superhuman speeds led some 
observers to believe that it was only a matter of time before 
the intelligence of computers would surpass human levels. 

This belief would be reinforced over the years by the devel-
opment of computer programs that could play chess with 
increasing skill, culminating in the match victory of IBM’s 
Deep Blue over world champion Garry Kasparov in 1997. 

However, the quest for artificial intelligence would face 
a number of enduring challenges, the first of which is a 
lack of agreement on the meaning of the term intelligence,
particularly in relation to such seemingly different entities 
as humans and machines. While chess skill is considered 
a sign of intelligence in humans, the game is deterministic 
in that optimum moves can be calculated systematically, 
limited only by the processing capacity of the computer. 

Human chess masters use a combination of pattern recogni-
tion, general principles, and selective calculation to come 
up with their moves. In what sense could a chess-playing 
computer that mechanically evaluates millions of positions 
be said to “think” in the way humans do? Similarly, com-
puters can be provided with sets of rules that can be used to 
manipulate virtual building blocks, carry on conversations, 
and even write poetry. While all these activities can be per-
ceived by a human observer as being intelligent and even 
creative, nothing can truly be said about what the computer 
might be said to be experiencing.

In 1950, computer pioneer Alan M. Turing suggested 
a more productive approach to evaluating claims of artifi-
cial intelligence in what became known as the Turing test .

 Basically, the test involves having a 
human interact with an “entity” under conditions where he 
or she does not know whether the entity is a computer or 
another human being. If the human observer, after engag-
ing in teletyped “conversation” cannot reliably determine 
the identity of the other party, the computer can be said to 
have passed the Turing test. The idea behind this approach 
is that rather than attempting to precisely and exhaustively 
define intelligence, we will engage human experience and 
intuition about what intelligent behavior is like. If a com-
puter can successfully imitate such behavior, then it at least 
may become problematic to say that it is not intelligent.

Computer programs have been able to pass the Tur-
ing test to a limited extent. For example, a program called 
ELIZA written by Joseph Weizenbaum can carry out what 
appears to be a responsive conversation on themes chosen 
by the interlocutor. It does so by rephrasing statements 
or providing generalizations in the way that a nondirec-
tive psychotherapist might. But while ELIZA and similar 
programs have sometimes been able to fool human inter-
locutors, an in-depth probing by the humans has always 
managed to uncover the mechanical nature of the response.
Although passing the Turing test could be considered 
evidence for intelligence, the question of whether a com-
puter might have consciousness (or awareness of self) in 
the sense that humans experience it might be impossible to 
answer. In practice, researchers have had to confine them-
selves to producing (or simulating) intelligent behavior, and 
they have had considerable success in a variety of areas.

Top-Down Approaches

The broad question of a strategy for developing artificial 
intelligence crystallized at a conference held in 1956 at Dart-
mouth College. Four researchers can be said to be founders 
of the field: Marvin Minsky (founder of the AI Laboratory at 
MIT), John McCarthy (at MIT and later, Stanford), and Her-
bert Simon and Allen Newell (developers of a mathematical 
problem-solving program called Logic Theorist at the Rand 
Corporation, who later founded the AI Laboratory at Carn-
egie Mellon University). The 1950s and 1960s were a time 
of rapid gains and high optimism about the future of AI.

Most early attempts at AI involved trying to specify rules 
that, together with properly organized data, can enable the 
machine to draw logical conclusions. In a production system
the machine has information about “states” (situations) plus 
rules for moving from one state to another—and ultimately,to the “goal state.” A properly implemented production sys-
tem cannot only solve problems, it can give an explanation 
of its reasoning in the form of a chain of rules that were 

The program SHRDLU, developed by Marvin Minsky’s 
team at MIT, demonstrated that within a simplified “micro-
world” of geometric shapes a program can solve problems 
and learn new facts about the world. Minsky later developed 
a more generalized approach called “frames” to provide the 
computer with an organized database of knowledge about 
the world comparable to that which a human child assimi-
lates through daily life. Thus, a program with the appropri-
ate frames can act as though it understands a story about 
two people in a restaurant because it “knows” basic facts 
such as that people go to a restaurant to eat, the meal is 
cooked for them, someone pays for the meal, and so on.

While promising, the frames approach seemed to founder 
because of the sheer number of facts and relationships 
needed for a comprehensive understanding of the world. 

During the 1970s and 1980s, however, expert systems were 
developed that could carry out complex tasks such as deter-
mining the appropriate treatment for infections (MYCIN) 
and analysis of molecules (DENDRAL). Expert systems 
combined rules of inference with specialized databases of 
facts and relationships. Expert systems have thus been able 
to encapsulate the knowledge of human experts and make it 
available in the field 
The most elaborate version of the frames approach has 
been a project called Cyc. devel-
oped by Douglas Lenat. This project is now in its third 
decade and has codified millions of assertions about the 
world, grouping them into semantic networks that repre-
sent dozens of broad areas of human knowledge. If success-
ful, the Cyc database could be applied in many different 
domains, including such applications as automatic analysis 
and summary of news stories.

Bottom-Up Approaches
Several “bottom-up” approaches to AI were developed in 
an attempt to create machines that could learn in a more 
humanlike way. The one that has gained the most prac-
tical success is the neural network, which attempts to 
emulate the operation of the neurons in the human brain. 
Researchers believe that in the human brain perceptions or 
the acquisition of knowledge leads to the reinforcement of 
particular neurons and neural paths, improving the brain’s 
ability to perform tasks. In the artificial neural network a 
large number of independent processors attempt to perform 
a task. Those that succeed are reinforced or “weighted,” 
while those that fail may be negatively weighted. This leads 
to a gradual improvement in the overall ability of the sys-
tem to perform a task such as sorting numbers or recogniz-
ing patterns.

Since the 1950s, some researchers have suggested that 
computer programs or robots be designed to interact with 
their environment and learn from it in the way that human 
infants do. Rodney Brooks and Cynthia Breazeal at MIT 
have created robots with a layered architecture that includes 
motor, sensory, representational, and decision-making ele-
ments. Each level reacts to its inputs and sends information 
to the next higher level. The robot Cog and its descendant 
Kismet often behaved in unexpected ways, generating com-
plex responses that are emergent rather than specifically 

The approach characterized as “artificial life” adds a 
genetic component in which the successful components 
pass on program code “genes” to their offspring. Thus, the 
power of evolution through natural selection is simulated, 
leading to the emergence of more effective systems.
In general the top-down approaches have been more 
successful in performing specialized tasks, but the bottom-
up approaches may have greater general application, as well 
as leading to cross-fertilization between the fields of arti-
ficial intelligence, cognitive psychology, and research into 
human brain function.

Application Areas
While powerful artificial intelligence is not yet ubiquitous 
in everyday computing, AI principles are being successfully 
used in a number of application areas. These areas, which 
are all covered separately in this book, include
• devising ways of capturing and representing knowl-
edge, making it accessible to systems for diagnosis and 
analysis in fields such as medicine and chemistry 
• creating systems that can converse in ordinary lan-
guage for querying databases, responding to customer 
service calls, or other routine interactions 
• enabling robots to not only see but also “understand” 
objects in a scene and their relationships 
• improving syhstems for voice and face recognition, as 
well as sophisticated data mining and analysis.
• developing software that can operate autonomously, 
carrying out assignments such as searching for and 
evaluating competing offerings of merchandise 
The field of AI has been characterized by successive waves 
of interest in various approaches, and ambitious projects 
have often failed. However, expert systems and, to a lesser 
extent, neural networks have become the basis for viable 
products. Robotics and computer vision offer a significant 
potential payoff in industrial and military applications. The 
creation of software agents to help users navigate the com-
plexity of the Internet is now of great commercial interest. 
The growth of AI has turned out to be a steeper and more 
complex path than originally anticipated. One view sug-
gests steady progress. Another, shared by science fiction 
artificial intelligence writers such as Vernor Vinge, suggests a breakthrough, per-
haps arising from artificial life research, might someday 
create a true—but truly alien—intelligence.

See also:

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